Jun 19, 2011

25 weeks!!

So this little one would now survive in the NICU if she was born now. That is a lot of relief for me. I can't help but worry from time to time...especially when you feel weird things you've never felt before. I told her that she has to stay put for a few more months though - so she isn't coming any time soon!

Of course I had another list of questions to ask the doctor; like stomach hardening, baby laying low, pressure on cervix, nipple issues (lol).....everything is NORMAL. And my nipples are just dry...I thought I had something wrong with me! Ha ha! My little munchkin is moving all the time - and I thought that wasn't normal. But it IS! In fact, they love to hear that. Sweet!!

I am up to a 20 lb gain. But at 25 weeks - my doctor said I'm doing really good. That is definitely reassuring. I'm not too worried about gaining weight.... I know it was inevitable. I'm just glad I'm not gaining like 60 lbs or something. And I'm also hoping I only gain another 10...but I hear a total of 40 is totally normal too. As long as I'm eating healthy and my little girl is healthy....who cares.

We have been busy with home renovations....and we got the crib and bedding set. I'm waiting on Mike to put it together. Pictures coming soon!!

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