Mar 31, 2011

14 weeks

Our little monkey is the size of a lemon now!

Baby's now the size of a lemon!
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine, and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys, and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over her body for warmth.


I love Thursdays, because I move up a week. All my pregnancy apps on my phone update... and it's so fun to monitor the progress.

One thing I haven't understood is that I'm 14 weeks 1 day pregnant, however, I am in my 15th week. It's something I will never understand....

I'm feeling really good lately. The nausea has gone away and I have a lot more energy. So far, the Second Trimester is definitely the 'honeymoon' trimester! I can finally start enjoying this pregnancy. I'm feeling more and more excited by the minute!

I'm also starting to show a little bit more but a stranger wouldn't be able to tell if I'm pregnant. I can't wait for the baby bump.....right now I still look like I ate too many donuts. I'm not complaining! I love every second of all of this. It's a new adventure and I'm so in love.

Mar 28, 2011

First Trimester

I'm going to cheat a little and recap my First Trimester. Truth is I need to catch up! I'm already in my Second Trimester :)

The First Trimester was a blur. It went by so fast. I have noticed I am 'textbook' pregnant. If they wrote about a symptom - I have it. Nauseous all the time, Check. Extreme fatigue. Check. Constipation, Check. Sore/Huge Boobs, Double check. Constant need to pee, Check. Wild dreams, Check. Cramping, Check. Worrisome, Check. Food (chicken) aversions, Check. Heartburn, Check. Mood swings, Check. Every single one of these symptoms are so freakin worth it.

I spent the first few weeks of pregnancy on the couch whining. I was sick and tired (literally) all the time. Poor Mike... I'm lucky though, I only threw up 7 times. I was just nauseous - which isn't pleasant. I was mostly worried about miscarrying. They say not to tell anyone until your in your 2nd Trimester, so we only told our immediate family and friends. Even that made me nervous. I had a lot of people on my side, and praying for me... I made it through the First Trimester and am feeling SO much better!

The highlight of the First Trimester is seeing the little one for the first time....

And hearing the little one for the first time. When we went in for our 12 week check up, we were able to hear the heartbeat. What an amazing sound that was.... I wish I would have recorded it. Next time I will! We also heard this loud sound in my tummy - when we asked what it was my Ob said it was the little one kicking. How cool is that?!

I can't wait to have more of a bump. This is what I looked like at 9 1/2 weeks....

Mar 19, 2011


I took a LONG vacation from blogging. I had a rough year or so... But I'm back! And I have exciting news!


Oh. My. God. Those were my first words when I saw those 2 pink lines. This was a total surprise to us. No, I should rephrase..... We knew it could it could happen, we just didn't expect it to.

Maybe a week or less after conception (but at the time we had NO idea), my boobs started to get sore and the next week they got a little bigger. I was peeing a lot and had problems pooping (TMI). I guess I just assumed it was a BAD case of PMS... It wasn't until I was 2 days late, that I started to think UH-OH! I kept thinking - 'Don't get your hopes up, it's probably nothing.' Or 'Please please please let me be pregnant!!' and I went back and forth for 4 days of lateness.... Yes, I'm a freak.

The first week was so surreal. I just kept saying 'I can't believe I'm pregnant!' over and over and OVER again. We had to wait 3 weeks until our first appointment - that was absolute torture. I did spend 30 minutes on the phone with one of the nurses, I took a long list of things to do and not do. No aspirin, no alcohol, no lunch meat, no hot dogs, no fish, no hot showers/baths...... Take prenatal vitamins, drink 8+ glasses of water a day, eat veggies/fruit daily...

I remember during that week - the morning sickness set in. I wasn't drinking my 8+ glasses and the thought of veggies sent me running to the toilet. I kept worrying that I wasn't getting enough nutrients, but the doctor said as long as I took my vitamins - everything would be fine. I have to admit my first trimester wasn't that bad. I had morning sickness but only threw up 6 times, the nausea kicked my ass though. It was ALL DAY sickness....I have no idea why they call it morning sickness. What they also don't tell you about pregnancy, is that your intestines just STOP working. Well, mine did. There was an 8 day stretch where I didn't poop. That has to be one of the worst feelings. Your stomach hurts - and you worry is it the baby or the poop? OR is the poop hurting the baby? Ugh. It was a cluster of worry...and pain. My cure was prune juice, Milk of Magnesia, kiwi, raspberries, grape nuts and stool softeners..... on top of being nauseous ALL the time. At times, I thought this baby was going to kill me. Ha!

I am not complaining. I am simply telling you my experience so far. I would take morning sickness and constipation all 9 months... It is ALL worth it.