Jul 20, 2009

No smoking

I have been smoking since I was 18 or so. And I will honestly admit I enjoy it. However, I do realize it is not healthy for me or my husband. And of course it is not a healthy environment for our future children....

So, I decided to QUIT. This past Friday I started Nicorette gum. The first day wasn't too bad. I had my cravings here and there. But I was babysitting-which took my mind off things. And I felt very sleepy so I took a nap. I also couldn't sleep Friday night. I woke up every hour with these horrible dreams. I only got a few hours of sleep... Saturday...was hard. Really hard. My husband Mike and I went to the mall to walk. And I started getting really irritated and I felt really MAD. I wanted a cigarette so badly... When we got home I had a meltdown. I started crying uncontrollably, and the cravings just got worse and worse. It's something I had never felt before. It was horrible.

So, I remembered my doctor had given me a Chantix prescription a while ago. I decided to go to my pharmacy and fill it. And I also went and bought a pack of cigarettes. *Sigh...

As I read the side effects (vivid dreams, nausea, etc.) I read that during your first week you are suppose to smoke-but also try to 'wean' yourself to none by the end of the week. It has this great Get Quit program that I have signed up to. They will email you activities daily and give you added support. I took my first pill on Sunday morning. And have made my quit date 7/26/09.

My first activity is to write down all of my cravings in the first 24 hours. So, far I have coffee and boredom. I also have a bad tendancy to smoke while being on the computer, sometimes I don't even realize I do it.

I'm off to go buy myself some regular gum...and some straws to chew on. Not sure if it will help. But you never know!

Wish me luck to a smoke-free life!!


Krista said...

Wow. I'd have never guessed you're a smoker.

My mom quit using chantix (it's called champix everywhere else in the world except the US).

She had smoked for 37 years when she quit.

She didnt find her dreams were more vivid: she found that she remembered more of her dreams. She said her dreams were always that weird, but she just remembered them better.

She did find the nausea hard, but it goes away (for most people) once you stop smoking.

She got a bit constipated now and then. No one told her about that side effect. But she got an over-the-counter drug when the constipation got bad.

And she hasn't smoked since. So it can be done!!!

GOOD LUCK! Keep us updated.

Mrs. B said...

Wow! That is awesome! I'm so happy for your mom!

I haven't had any vivid dreams-but I am with your mom in remembering my dreams better. Also, no nausea for me at all. But yes to the constipation. I've been very bloated all week-but I have tea that I will use...(tmi!)

I have been doing good this week since it's my last week to smoke. I haven't had cravings-but my habits have kicked in. I've averaged about 5-6 cigarettes a day. Which I think is good. Only 2 more days to go and I'm smoke-free!

I'll keep you posted!!